Brad Fischer, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Documents »
Mega Projects: Lessons Learned from Canary Wharf
David Gordon, Queen’s University and Matti Siemiatycki, University of Toronto
The Crash and Rebound of Canary Wharf
David Gordon, Queen’s University
2020 FMWS Program: Sustainability in the Time of COVID
Toby Greenbaum, NEFPP
2020 FMWS: Additional Reading Resources
Toby Greenbaum, NEFPP
Virtual Roundtable: Leslie Gash, Waterfront Toronto
Leslie Gash, Waterfront Toronto
Virtual Roundtable: Kate Thompson, Calgary Municipal Land Corporation
Kate Thompson, Calgary Municipal Land Corporation
Virtual Roundtable: Jerry Evans, City of Vancouver
Jerry Evans, City of Vancouver
Virtual Roundtable: Robin Souchen, City of Ottawa
Robin Souchen, City of Ottawa
Virtual Roundtable: Brad Fischer, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Brad Fischer, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation