Judith Amoils, ThinkingStrategy: New Paradigms Inc.
Pecha Kucha & Roundtable
Pecha Kucha: Eric Turcotte, Urban Strategies Inc.
Eric Turcotte, Urban Strategies Inc.
Pecha Kucha: Philip Smith, Altus Group
Philip Smith, Altus Group
Pecha Kucha: Karen Ellzey, CBRE
Karen Ellzey, CBRE
Pecha Kucha: Lisa Anderson and Mark LeBlanc, Colliers | Tiree in Joint Venture
Lisa Anderson and Mark LeBlanc, Colliers | Tiree in Joint Venture
Pecha Kucha: Debbie Baxter, Deloitte
Debbie Baxter, Deloitte
Pecha Kucha: Wayne Liko, Horizant
Wayne Liko, Horizant
Pecha Kucha: Mark Featherstone, Health Canada
Mark Featherstone, Health Canada
Pecha Kucha: John Cimino, Infrastructure Ontario
John Cimino, Infrastructure Ontario
Pecha Kucha: Robin Souchen, City of Ottawa
Robin Souchen, City of Ottawa