Matti Siemiatycki, University of Toronto
Events »
Revitalizing Toronto’s Waterfront
John Campbell, Waterfront Toronto
Why Governments Are Involved in Real Estate
Bernard Sicotte, Société Québécoise des Infrastructures
HRM by Design: Regional Centre Urban Design Study. The Downtown Halifax Plan
Andy Fillmore, Waterfront Development Corporation (Halifax)
Government-Owned Development Corporations: Build Toronto Overview
Don Logie, Build Toronto
Aligning Government Responsibilities to Optimize and Measure Value Creation
John Potts, City of Calgary
Capital Planning and Management System: CFB Esquimalt
Marcel Gingras, Department of National Defence
Leading Examples of Real Property Value Creation Outside of Canada
David Bentley, CIPFA
Creating Value Through Cooperation: Public-Public Partnerships-The Other PPP
John Hentschel, Hentschel Real Estate Services
Value of Public Property: Diagnosing the Challenge
Olga Kaganova, University of Chicago