Glen Norton, City of Hamilton
National Symposium
How Cities and Restaurants Work Together to Build Culture
Jason Cassis, Equal Parts Hospitality
Connecting Our Communities
Mathieu Goetzke, Metrolinx
Connecting the Region, People, Places, and Things
Brian Hollingworth, City of Hamilton
Hamilton Port Authority
Ian Hamilton, Hamilton Port Authority
Planning the Next GGH
Pamela Blais, Metropole Consultants
2019 National Symposium: Roundtable Report
Pecha Kucha: Ghislain Sauvé, Correctional Service of Canada
Ghislain Sauvé, Correctional Service of Canada
Pecha Kucha: Shannon Delbridge, Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal
Shannon Delbridge, Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal
Pecha Kucha: Sheryl Badin, City of Mississauga
Sheryl Badin, City of Mississauga