Ontario Superior Court of Justice
2019 National Symposium Pre/Post Reading Material
Toby Greenbaum, NEFPP
Affordable Housing: An Innovative Approach to Sustainable Funding
The Globe and Mail: Hyper-concentration of jobs occurring in Toronto’s downtown
Jeff Gray, Globe and Mail
Healthy Housing for All: Lessons from Affordable Housing for the Broader Marketplace
Urban Land Institute
2018 FMWS Program: Dispositions, Master Plans, and Diversity
Toby Greenbaum, NEFPP
2018 FMWS: Reference Material
Toby Greenbaum, NEFPP
Summary of NEFPP Members’ Reports: Trends and Themes Fall 2018
Dr. Leela Viswanathan, Queen’s University
Pecha Kucha: Isabelle Lussier, Ville de Montréal
Isabelle Lussier, Ville de Montréal
Pecha Kucha: Jackie Hall, Government of Northwest Territories
Jackie Hall, Government of the Northwest Territories