Toby Greenbaum, NEFPP
2017 Members’ Day and National Symposium Program: Sustainability, Resilience, and Climate Change
Toby Greenbaum, NEFPP
Sustainability and Urban Resilience: Overview and Annotated Bibliography
David Gordon and Emilie Coyle, Queen’s University
University of British Columbia: Brock Commons Tallwood House
Andrew Parr, John Metras and John Madden, University of British Columbia
Renewable Energy Strategy for City-Owned Buildings 2017-2040
Craig Edwards, City of Vancouver
Social Purpose Real Estate Collaborative
Jacqueline Gijssen, Social Purpose Real Estate Collaborative
Community Economic Development: Putting our Assets to Work
Mary Clare Zak, City of Vancouver
BC Housing Partnership Collaborations
Armin Amrolia, BC Housing Commission
Vancouver’s Healthy City Strategy and Housing Reset
Kathleen Llewellyn-Thomas, City of Vancouver
WELL is for People
Judith Amoils, ThinkingStrategy: New Paradigms Inc.