Yolanda Lew, Stantec, and Tom Beck, City of Edmonton
City Building
Toward Social Purpose Real Estate
Matti Siemiatycki, University of Toronto
Downtown Calgary Development Incentive Program
Natalie Marchut and Steve Wirzba, The City of Calgary
Housing Now: Delivering Affordable Housing on Municipal Lands
Vic Gupta, CreateTO
2022 FMWS: Presentation – Pre-Emptive Rights to Purchase
Alain Vaillancourt and Pierre-Olivier Papineau, Service de l’habitation – Ville de Montréal
Mega Projects: Lessons Learned from Canary Wharf
David Gordon, Queen’s University and Matti Siemiatycki, University of Toronto
The Crash and Rebound of Canary Wharf
David Gordon, Queen’s University
Lessons from Scandinavia (part 2)
Nille Juul-Sorensen, Arup
Lessons from Scandinavia (part 1)
Nille Juul-Sorensen, Arup
Transforming Hamilton-Incentivizing Change
Glen Norton, City of Hamilton