Rajat Gulati, City of Brampton
Portfolio Strategy
Présentation: Planifier en prévision de changements imprévus dans un contexte gouvernemental – une histoire de prudence
Mark Featherstone and Isabelle Lussier, Health Canada
Presentation: Planning for Unanticipated Change in a Government Context – a tale of caution
Mark Featherstone and Isabelle Lussier, Health Canada
More than Bricks & Mortar: Catalyzing Change and Innovation in Real Property, Asset, and Infrastructure Management
Katharine Cornfield, Change Group Limited
ICE District
Yolanda Lew, Stantec, and Tom Beck, City of Edmonton
Infrastructure Ontario’s Workplace of the Future
Trish Clarry, Emma Baker, Hassan Dalal, and Gavin Maher, Infrastructure Ontario
French State Real Estate Directorate: Benchmark Study of the Public Real Estate Management
Christophe Lasnier, EY Consulting and Benoît Delattre, JLL France
Portfolio Strategy 101
Christina Beja, EY
Document is available to Government Members and Academic Advisors only
Defence Real Property Portfolio Strategy
Sandra Rezansoff, National Defence
Reimagining the Portfolio: Portfolio Segmentation
Christina Beja and Jeff Wood, EY