Cathie Macdonald, NEFPP
Events »
2007 FMWS Program: Risk Management, Accountability and Systems for Measuring Value-Key Factors for Managing Public Property
Cathie Macdonald, NEFPP
Discussion Paper on the RFP Process for the Disposition of Publicly-Owned Real Estate Assets-with Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography
James McKellar, Schulich School of Business, York University and David Gordon, Queen’s University
2007 Post-Symposium Members’ Day Program
Cathie Macdonald, NEFPP
2007 National Symposium Program: Creating Value-How Public Real Estate Can Contribute to Increasing Canada’s Competitiveness
Cathie Macdonald, NEFPP
Program Delivery: Defining and Achieving Goals
Aki Lintunen, BC Hydro
Transport, Infrastructure and Communities-Surface Infrastructure Programs Group: Partnering for Infrastructure Investments
Tony Varriano, Transport Canada
Case Study: Citizen-Centred Service Delivery
Stephen Marguet, BC Ministry of Labour and Citizens’ Services
Green Building Policy
Rod Berscheid, Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation
Corner Brook Long Term Care Facility: The Value of Leed Perspective by NL Transportation and Works
Gunar Leja, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador